Iconic's services

What we do...

Evaluation is one of Iconic's core services. We evaluate and review policies, programmes, projects, and organisations across all our areas of interest. We do all sorts of evaluations – longitudinal, formative, summative, process and impact.

Research is another of our core services. However, research, especially social research, means different things to different people and the easiest way to explain what we do is to give some examples. We’ve researched the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing legislation on underage drinkers for NHS Health Scotland, we’ve researched the drivers of poverty among single women over 50 for the Royal Society for the Support of Women of Scotland, we’re researched the nature and extent of food poverty for Fife Health and Wellbeing Partnership, and we’ve researched the potential demand for a quality assurance scheme for nature based health initiatives for Scottish Natural Heritage and the Green Exercise Partnership. Basically if there’s a social issue that needs further investigation, our research can find the answers.

We do other work too. We undertake feasibility studies and option appraisals. We develop strategies, action plans, business plans, community plans, and monitoring & evaluation frameworks. We deliver training, and community consultation. We also provide funding advice and a bid writing service if needed.

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